Information you do not know about wolves

Information you do not know about wolves

The wolf :

One of the most intelligent animals belongs to the dog breeds. It is a breed of kings. It has the ability to plan and organize. It is characterized by constant deceit and vigilance. It is characterized by the beauty of form. There are many types of wolves, including gray wolf and Arab wolf. Endangered species, alaskan wolf, white wolf, polar wolf, Mexican wolf, steppe, and others.

Description of the wolf

- The length of the body of the wolf to about two meters, while the length of the tail to half a meter.
- reaches the height of the earth between 60 to 85 centimeters.
- It weighs between 12 to 80 kg.


- Wolves are considered meat eaters, eating more than 6 kg of meat daily.
- Wolves do not eat dead animals no matter how hungry.
- Hungry wolf can devour about 10 kg at a time, and deer are considered the two favorite meals.


- The season of mating in the world of wolves is between January and March

- The gestation period is between 60 - 64 days, and the female gives birth 6 on average are blind at birth and can not get out of the hole only after two or three weeks.

- The mother takes care of her young for 5 to 7 weeks, and the young can begin to rely on themselves after (6 to 9 months) and reach the age of maturity in the second year of life.

Information you may not know about wolves

- Wolf can smell the blood of human beings miles away in the desert. If one of them is infected and blood is shed in the desert or wild, it becomes a target for the wolf and can not be easily saved. Wolves have 200 million sniff cells, while humans have only 5 million cells. That the wolf can smell from within 3 km.

- Wolf is the most sincere and satisfied animals to his partner, he grieves over the death of his partner and heals for months or years crying on his parting and the howling is a sad howl, and often ends up committing suicide or death Sadness, the wolf gets married one wolf for life, not afraid and the female does not betray Her husband

- Female wolf is more ferocious than male, especially when she has sons.

- The wolves are blind, their eyes are closed, they can not see or move until two weeks after birth.

- The wolves are so alert that they sleep only with one eye and the other eye remains open.
